Dance Positions Glossary
CLOSES - CLOSED DANCE POSITION: The man and woman are in the closed position without body contact. In closes position with body in contact.
INSIDE: Man left inside edge forward in CBMP contacting woman left inside edge .
IN LINE: Man left forward toe to toe with the woman's right foot back.
OUTSIDE: Man left diagonally forward outside of the woman's right foot. The two right sides are adjacent to each other.
OPEN POSITION (Upper Body) - The man and woman (upper body) are in the closed near by position with certain distance.
APART POSITION (Lower Body) - The man and woman (lower body) are in the closed near by position with certain distance greater or lesser compared to their upper bodies.
OUTSIDE PARTNER ON RIGHT SIDE - Prior the foot move, the man places his left side lead then the man’s right leg moves outside to the right of the woman, or the woman’s right leg is outside to the right of the man.The key is that the right side of the partners are adjacent or touching.
OUTSIDE PARTNER ON LEFT SIDE - Prior the foot move, the man places his right side lead then the man’s left leg moves outside to the left of the woman, or the woman’s left leg is outside to the left of the man.The key is that the left side of the partners are adjacent or touching.
PROMENADE: The dancer’s torsos are aligned to the left of center for the man (and to the right of center for the woman) at 45 degree to each other, hence a total of 90 degrees. Both dancers look down the line of dance, which is to the left for the man.
COUNTER PROMENADE: similar to Promenade except the line of dance is the reverse direction, hence to the right of the man.
FALLAWAY: similar to Promenade except the dancers take a back step, not a forward step. The dancer’s torsos are aligned to the left of center for the man (and to the right of center for the woman) at 45 degree to each other, hence a total of 90 degrees. Both dancers look down the line of dance, which is to the left for the man.
COUNTER FALLAWAY: similar to Fallaway except the line of dance is the reverse direction, hence to the right of the man.
WING POSITION LEFT: The Man and the Lady face each other, but with the Lady on the Man’s left side while the hips stay parallel.
WING POSITION RIGHT: The Man and the Lady face each other, but with the Lady on the Man’s Right side while the hips stay parallel.
OPPOSITION POSITION - CROSS OPPOSITION - the man will step in promenade position while the woman will step in fallaway position or vice versa. It is occurred as well as in counter promenade position and counter fallaway position.
CROSSED BASIC POSITION RIGHT: The man left foot is placed side and slightly forward on right side of the woman during the woman place a supporting left foot under her body well in CBMP.
CROSSED BASIC POSITION LEFT: The man right foot is placed side and slightly forward on left side of the woman during the woman place a supporting right foot under her body well in CBMP.
RIGHT PARALLEL - CROSS SYSTEM: The man’s right forward leg is outside to the right of the woman, or the woman’s right backward leg is outside to the right of the man.
LEFT PARALLEL - CROSS SYSTEM: The man’s left leg is outside to the left of the woman or the woman’s left leg is outside to the left of the man.
CONTRA POSITION RIGHT: Both man and the woman step forward on right side with their right legs.
CONTRA POSITION LEFT: Both man and the woman step forward on left side with their left legs.
RETRO CONTRA POSITION RIGHT: The two partners take simultaneously a supporting left foot back and well across in CPMP, ending in right to right side.
RETRO CONTRA POSITION LEFT: The two partner take simultaneously a supporting right foot back and well
across in CPMP, ending in right to right side.
CROSS BODY RIGHT: The partners are in a “T” position, where one of the partners is facing the other partner’s right side.
CROSS BODY LEFT: The partners are in a “T” position, where one of the partners is facing the other partner’s left side.
INTERMINGLE POSITION RIGHT: The man enters the right inside edge of his foot into the woman's right inside edge of her foot. The man places the inside edge of his left foot next to the woman's outside edge of her right foot. The man weight is equally divided between two feet. The woman places her free inside edge of left foot next to the man's outside edge of his right foot. Her weight is on right only and her left foot acts as a kickstand. The two right sides of the body are facing each other.
INTERMINGLE POSITION LEFT: Identical process on left side with the opposite feet and position.